There might not be many things I knew as a child, but even then I was pretty sure blood belonged in the body, so as realization donned and absolute hysteria shock followed, my cousin mirrored the definitely absolute fright in my eyes, I knew we were screwed.

I think it was 2001, probably towards the latter part. (Side bar: if you’ve been following the blog for a while, you recall another incident I wrote about, that happened in 2001. I guess that was quite the year. If you haven’t read it, check out the post here.)

Also, if you didn’t get a clue from last week’s post, then I’m just going to use this to point out that I’ve always been a bit of a tom-boy. I’m calmer now and some of the femininity genes have been turned on, but I don’t think I’m really a girly girl still.

Anyway, as with many funnier-now-than-then scenarios in my life, the day started like any other: school, homework, watch tv, play around and what-not. My uncle, aunt and then 4 year old cousin were visiting and staying at ours at the time. Also, as with many other such scenarios, I’m but somehow somehow, let’s just say we couldn’t wait to test the Tooth Fairy theory. Yup, my shaky milked tooth got round-house kicked out of my mouth.

And there was blood – probably really not that much, but enough to throw Oge and I into utter panic.

Many moons would come and go, many pictures would be taken, showcasing my increasing gap-toothed smiles, but I didn’t care- I embraced it , grinning all the more.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure my guardian angels are more than deserving of a raise.

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