Love; an inclination of the heart to cling.
Memory; A recollection of moments no longer within reach. We grasp at it as we would a dream we wished would never end. For in love, we lose and in losing, we cherish. And as we cherish, we prepare our hearts once more to love.

Sometimes loss fuels love such that we discover heights of expression we earlier thought impossible. In knowing we may not love forever or for long, we love as fiercely as we possibly can. And when we lose said love, our memories remind us of all the many ways we could’ve loved but didn’t.

Is salvation then found in not loving at all? Surely not. I reckon there is nothing bitterer. Love is a double edged sword. It is as sour as it is sweet. In embracing this truth, we uncover newer aspects of ourselves and go on to create memories that stay permanently sewn into the fabric of time such that anyone who dares remember may boldly say, he loved and she loved also.

Hands no longer hold in place
Fingers no longer interlace
Lips no longer part to kiss
Bodies no longer find apex bliss

Moments lost to a time before
Memories the only open door
Dreams are the only recourse
Through which we might have what once was

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