Tea. Tell. Thrive.

It is no news that in Nigeria, everything is linked to the ‘spiritual’, the extraordinary. A child suffering from cystic fibrosis with breathing difficulty is deteriorating because of the ‘village people’, also, a man who slumped and passed on must have angered the gods. This is popular across various spheres in the country. Mental healthContinue reading Tea. Tell. Thrive.

Lessons from living with Vitiligo

Valerie asked me to do a piece on vitiligo for her “Medics Take On” series, something to “spread awareness” as she put it. So far, the other articles in this series have provided a lot of good, solid insight on common issues- Hypertension and Diabetes care, Primary health care, and Preventive screenings. The writing styleContinue reading Lessons from living with Vitiligo

Seizures or demonic possession?

(At the hospital of Ceewonnine, Dr. R’s office. She’s seated with two people; Alexa and Siri. Sam, Alexa’s younger brother, is Dr. R’s seizure patient that she just managed. Siri and Alexa are a couple.) .DR. R: …I understand that you both have some questions for me. SIRI: Yes, Dr. So, you said that SamContinue reading Seizures or demonic possession?

Triple threatening trio

“So Sir, do you take your medications?” “Well, yes. Yes, of course.” “And how often do you take them?” “As often as I should.” “Ok, but from your lab reports, your hbA1C is quite high-” “Meaning?” “Meaning that, for at least the past three months, your blood sugar level hasn’t been properly controlled. Also, yourContinue reading Triple threatening trio