It’s easy to make claims to emotional detachment when you’re not on the receiving end. It’s funny how the other person is a jerk when the shoe’s on the other foot. Basic human decency is something that is far too easily stripped from many individuals because of pain from the past. You do not need to walk away from healthy qualities in other to protect yourself from getting hurt. As long as your soul is tethered to this mortal coil, pain is an inescapable reality.

The ability to see the selfish coldness in others may cause an individual — recently hurt or betrayed — to give up traits that would otherwise be beneficial to those who truly love and appreciate them. In a bid to join the ranks of the cruel, because they feel shortchanged, they lose themselves in moral degeneracy and like them, irresponsibly lay the blame at another’s feet.

If you are kind, thoughtful and empathetic, do not give it up because someone took advantage of you or deceived you. You do not have to be wicked to be wise. You only have to be wise.

The Good Book says, “Do not cast your pearls before swine.” Your ability to recognize those undeserving of your rich personality will prevent you falling prey to day-walking devils. Vet people objectively before committing. Do not commit and hope to change them. You may fail woefully.

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