“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on” – Louis L’amour

I recently stumbled across these words on Instagram. What an apt saying! It is so true and relatable for writers. Sometimes, the muse is there, and the words just keep flowing, but other times, we hit a writer’s block, and nothing seems to be forthcoming. But this quote right here, it hits home because once you just start writing, it flows. But you have to get your hands dirty, put your hands on the plough, you know, you have to open that darn tap for the water to flow. So that when you write, it will be giving (e be like say I don start to dey sound like ndi gen z. lol)

Anyway, what was I saying? It’s true. You have a book to write, a letter, a recipe, a poem, a play, a script, a song, a project, a thesis, you can procrastinate all you want, but if you don’t get down to actually start writing, it may never be written. And oh! What a tragedy that would be.

Trust me, this philosophy doesn’t just apply to writing. It also applies to other aspects of our lives. For instance, prayer. You are complaining that your prayer altar is cold and gathering cobwebs. Your tongues are no longer tonguing, and time is going. Instead of complaining and postponing the good day, just open your mouth and start praying and kabashing. The tap will surely flow!

What about weight loss struggles? You know you ought to start your exercise routine. You keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow. And yet you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror. So, just start. Take a walk first and see the results when you are consistent, and you will be glad you started.

You promised yourself that you would improve on your reading habits, but you haven’t yet got around to it. Just pick up the book and start reading. If you don’t, you never know what you could unlock in the pages of the books you have put off for so long.

The funny thing about starting is that you don’t have to wait around to be motivated by ndi “perspire to inspire”. It’s something you just do. Like Nike brand would say, “just do it”. Your output will also inform someone else’s input and just like that, you would have succeeded in contributing your own quota to the ever-moving wheel of progress. Or in other words, your testimony would be the key to another person’s testimony.

Yes, I know, sometimes you can doubt yourself about if you know what you are doing or if your work is making any sense at all. Still write. Sometimes you will be forming busy as an excuse you make to get yourself off the hook. Still write!

And if the writer’s block is hitting hard, don’t despair. Take a break and get back into the writing groove later. But don’t abandon it, please. Don’t make a tragedy out of what could make one of the greatest works you could ever produce.

Speaking of writer’s block, I think it is gradually creeping up on me as I write this piece but we what? We mooooove!

So, for want of sounding like a broken record, start writing o! Even when you feel motivated to or when you don’t. Start writing! Start praying, even when you feel like and when you don’t! Start reading, even when you’re in the mood or not. Start exercising, even when you are as lazy as a slug. Turn on the tap if you want the water to flow.

I think I have tried and will end my article here. There doesn’t seem to be much water in this cistern anyway, and I believe I have passed across my message. So, no need to over flog the issue. The bottom line is for you to start, no matter what happens. You will be amazed at what would come out of that tap. I come in peace!

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